While a blanket of snow and ice may make foraging more difficult, you needn't give up wildcrafting just because the mercury has dropped. Depending on your geographical location, you may have dozens, ...
Today we're going to talk about the best survival knives you can buy for under $200. Why not "under $100?" Frankly, we aren't impressed with as many of the knives under only $100. Fortunately, there ...
We learned it all in grade school (at least that's when I recall first learning it): One of our primary needs is shelter. I don't think I'm going to get much argument on this one. A good shelter ...
Here's the thing: If you consider yourself a true outdoorsman (or outdoorswoman), and you don't know how to use a compass, it's a little bit like being a football player who doesn’t know how to ...
10 Common Mistakes People Make When Going off the Grid
Living off the grid is something that many people aspire to do. The idea of having no bills and being able to self-sustain your lifestyle is ...
So, you want to learn how to live off the land? Well, you’re not alone. Each year, thousands of people make the switch to self-sustainability. By that, I mean they rely completely on nature to ...