Current Hurricane Preparedness Guidelines

Given the severity of recent hurricanes what is the best way to currently prepare? This is an important question! I'm lucky that my house dodged the latest storm (Idalia). And last year's flooding ...
Given the severity of recent hurricanes what is the best way to currently prepare? This is an important question! I'm lucky that my house dodged the latest storm (Idalia). And last year's flooding ...
Survival fire starting techniques are essential skills for anyone who spends time in the wilderness – whether it be the woods, mountains, or even in a regular neighborhood during a natural ...
As we saw and continue to see during the coronavirus pandemic as of this writing, cities are some of the most challenging places to live during unprecedented emergencies. Supply chain shortages, ...
While a blanket of snow and ice may make foraging more difficult, you needn't give up wildcrafting just because the mercury has dropped. Depending on your geographical location, you may have dozens, ...
Do you have the skills it takes to survive in the wilderness? Could you survive a SHTF situation on nothing but foraged greens, small game meat, and river water? Most people live in a state of ...
Yikes, a Bear, not Yogi, has Visited Your Property or Campsite! What Now?You have been hyper-vigilant about bear proofing your home and property. Trash cans are kept inside the garage. Pets are fed ...
I’m a first believer that knowledge is the key to survival. The more you know, the more likely you are to live. For this reason, I’ve put together a list of the best survival books that I know. By no ...
I’m a firm believer in the following saying: “It’s better to know something and not need to use it, than need to use it and not know it”. Basically, it means that knowledge is the key to any ...
Civilization is reaching a breaking point that has no alternative but to burst. All at the same time we are witnessing the Housing Bubble, Economic Bubble, Government Infrastructure Bubble, ...