Starting a fire can be a daunting task, especially when you're outdoors and don't have access to conventional fire-starting methods. That's where Black Beard Fire Starter comes in. This innovative ...
Prepping vs. homesteading: Is there a difference? If you're not familiar with these social movements, you may find it difficult to differentiate between the two. We're going to talk about what ...
Shelf-Stable Foods - Beyond Rice and Beans You never know when a natural disaster could hit or when another war emergency could threaten all of humanity. That’s why it’s especially important to ...
When it comes to figuring out the best emergency foods to stock up on these days, it pays to note that freeze dried and other emergency foods have really come a long way in recent years. One ...
In a SHTF or off grid living situation, you most likely won’t have access to a refrigerator. This means that you’ll need to learn about alternative ways to preserve food. Meat will be one of the ...
An AR-15 is an ArmaLite Rifle that is one of the most popular firearms being sold today. If you plan on practicing target shooting or hunting small game and big game, this is the gun you should use. ...
Editor's Note: This is a very informative article that was originally posted on 5/29/16 by previous owners of this site. Numerous experts participated in the discussion, and we have archived ...
Survival isn’t easy. I’m sure we can all agree on that. Even if it doesn’t seem like it, Mother Nature can be incredibly unforgiving. Even seemingly beautiful places can be potentially deadly if you ...
I’m shocked by how much money people are willing to spend on survival gear (especially when there’re so many things they can do that don’t cost a dime). Tools, gear, guns, ammo, a ...
Civilization is reaching a breaking point that has no alternative but to burst. All at the same time we are witnessing the Housing Bubble, Economic Bubble, Government Infrastructure Bubble, ...